How We Can Help
Dress for Success Western Massachusetts is the first non-profit that resides in our 45 Lyman Street Location. Dress for Success is available to all Western Massachusetts women and offers free assistance with professional clothing, resume development, interview preparation, computer skill training, mentorship opportunities, and more.
Please visit Western Massachusetts | Dress for Success Western Massachusetts to make an appointment today!
The O’Dell Women’s Center is a non-profit, philanthropic initiative formed to provide low cost ‘residencies’ to non-profits that serve key areas of urgent needs for great Springfield low income women: improved educational opportunities and increased access to career opportunities and advancement.
Improve Educational Opportunities
We are currently seeking to establish partnerships with local colleges, educational counselors, and non-profits that assist with accessing higher education for low-income women. Our goal is to design a comprehensive program that will enable O’Dell Women’s Center clients access to personalized support to apply for and finance higher education opportunities in fields that offer opportunities for financial independence.
Career Opportunities and Advancement
Our flagship non-profit resident, Dress for Success Western Mass, is widely recognized for their efforts to empower women to access career opportunities in many ways including no-cost assistance with resume preparation, job skill training, providing professional clothing at no cost, as well as career mentorship programming. The O’Dell Women’s Center plans to work with prominent local businesses and employers to identify careers that offer advancement opportunities for women. To make an appointment with Dress For Success Western Mass today, please use this link Western Massachusetts | Dress for Success Western Massachusetts